How To Pass A Carryover Course

How To Pass A Carryover Course

Hi and welcome back, In today’s post we are going to look at how to pass a carryover course.

In today’s education system, carrying over a course is nothing new. There are many reasons for this – from missing scripts to being unable to cover the syllabus. Even something as minor as handwriting is enough to make one carry over a course.

In this article, I will discuss what a carryover course means, what it entails, and how to pass a carryover course.

What Does CarryOver Mean

In layperson’s terms, carrying over a course means not meeting the required scores/grades to pass that course. The term “CARRYOVER” is mainly used in tertiary institutions. 

The application of the word stems from the fact that when you carry over a course, you add that course to the list of courses you undertake/choose in your next level or year and, therefore, gives you the chance to learn from mistakes made and meet the required grade to pass. 

How To Pass A Carryover Course

In primary and secondary schools, students don’t carry over a course.

Instead, they are asked to repeat the class if they fail a subject, but the school, in its benevolence, may decide that students who fail a subject should retake that particular subject. 

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In universities, the idea of carrying over a course is commonplace as, more often than not, students are unable to pass a course for different reasons, and the universities, albeit to prevent more than the required number of students per level, allow them to carry over that course. 

It may be due to legislation passed by the National Universities Commission (NUC), the body in charge of universities in the country, or the university management.

However, if a student constantly performs below average, such will be asked to withdraw from that school to secondary and tertiary institutions. 

The grades which determine what qualifies as PASS or FAIL are left to the discretion of the universities.

Why Do Students Fail A Course

The reasons for this are not that far-fetched.

It may be that one’s continuous assessment score, combined with your exam score, was not good enough to get you a passing grade or that you could not attain the minimum marks for attendance for the semester for one reason or the other. 

How To Pass A Carryover Course

Here are tips on how to pass a carryover course;

Attending Lectures/Tutorials On The Carryover Course

One cannot understand or hope to pass what one knows nothing about. To pass a carryover course, the student must equip themself with the requisite knowledge and seek help when necessary. 

Some students fail to understand a topic by learning it independently in the university environment. An alternative to this is to attend lectures about the course.

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If such a student is uncomfortable with being in a class of more than a hundred and fifty, such a student can sign up for a tutorial class. 

Tutorial classes are available, especially at the departmental and faculty level, should students need them. 

Get The Necessary Course Material

Consequent to the above, buying the materials or textbooks required to pass that course is essential. 

Most students who have carryovers in a particular course do not have the reading materials for that course.

Even if you cannot get the materials for the course, try and associate with classmates who have them to gather the necessary knowledge needed for the exam.

Also, in reading for such an exam, it is usually advised to ‘leave no stone unturned as lecturers may decide to set questions from a particular topic or sub-topic left unread.

Have A Schedule

Since the carryover course will be mixed up with the courses from your current level/year, it is of the utmost importance that a timetable for reading is created. 

This is because one can easily forget to read a course or, in most cases, choose to read the course they like, thereby failing to read others, and for a student with a carryover course, this will be very detrimental. 

It is very much advisable to create a timetable for when and how one will read to cover the course outline before exams begin.


If you are looking to pass a course, but aren’t sure how to go about it, read on for some tips. First and foremost, make sure that you are fully prepared before starting the course.

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 Do your research so that you have an idea of what is being covered and be sure to have all of the materials needed (textbooks, notes, etc.). 

If possible, try to get ahead of the class material by studying beforehand. 

Finally, take an active role in your class discussion groups and challenge yourself with questions not covered in the textbook. With these tips in mind, passing a course should be no problem!


Post Written By: Aderemi Olumuyiwa Patrick. I am a 200-level student at the University of Lagos (UNILAG). 


  1. I failed a 1 CU in GST second semester and it’s IGBO.
    I’m about entering 200L.
    How can I go about it?
    And will it affect my CGPA badly?

    1. Speak with your academic advisor, consider retaking the course or exploring alternative options, and focus on doing well in your other courses. Failing a course will affect your CGPA, but the extent of the impact will depend on your overall performance.

      You can use our website Klasshour here to hire a tutor

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