Making the Most of Your Weekends: A Guide for Students

The weekend – a precious 48 hours of freedom, a break from the hustle and bustle of the school week. For students, it’s time to sleep, relax or maybe catch up on their favorite K-drama. However, it can also be an opportunity to make the most of your free time and do something productive like learn new skills, plan for the coming week and prepare for the challenges ahead. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective ways in which students can spend their weekends wisely.

Plan Ahead

Before the weekend starts, create a to-do list of important things you need to get done during the weekend and write it out.  Things on the list could be

  • Finish physics assignments
  • Wash and iron clothes
  • Call parents for money
  • Complete 2 levels of video game
  • Start reading chem 202 notes
  • Go for birthday party


Your list might look a little different from this but the main thing is to identify tasks that need to be completed and make plans to do it. Planning your time effectively can help you stay organized and focused. It’s best to do this on a Thursday or Friday night so you are ahead of things.


After you’ve planned for the weekend, you then need to sleep. It sounds a little counterintuitive but even though it is good to read your books, take your academics seriously and be productive, your body also needs to rest. The average adult human needs about 7-10 hours of sleep each night and as a student with classes and numerous assignments, you most possibly did not sleep that much during the week. So turn off your alarms and sleep in a little during the weekend.

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Balance Work and Play

After getting a well deserved rest, it is now time to do things that you actually enjoy. While it’s essential to complete assignments and study, don’t forget to allocate time for activities you enjoy. Strike a balance between productivity and relaxation. Engage in fun activities you already enjoy or find new ones. Just make sure you do something other than your assignments on the weekend. It could be visiting your friends, going to a party, watching a football match or just doing anything that will take your mind off the stressful week. It’s the weekend, chill, relax. You’re a student, not a criminal.

Learn a new skill

Don’t get too carried away with relaxing that you don’t do anything productive on the weekend. Aside from relaxing and sleeping, it is also a time that can be used to enhance your knowledge and skills. Set specific learning goals, such as mastering a new topic, improving your writing skills, or learning a programming language. There are many online platforms that offer numerous courses and tutorials that you can explore at your own pace. You can even get an online tutor on to teach you any course or skill you want. The options are limitless. Make good use of it.

Digital Detox

Consider taking a break from social media and excessive screen time. Even though a lot of students see the weekend as a time to catch up on their favorite shows or get involved in Twitter arguments, it might not be the best way to spend your time on the weekend. Instead, use this opportunity to engage in face-to-face conversations, pursue hobbies, or simply relax without the distractions of notifications and alerts. Excessive use of mobile phones has been linked to poor psychological health, including increased anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and low self-esteem. Reliance on mobile phones can also make students feel annoyed, frustrated and impatient when they can’t use it. So consider putting your phone on airplane mode this weekend.

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Reflect and Plan for the coming  week

It is annoying to say, but the weekend is just 48 hours and time flies very quickly. So take some time to reflect on your goals and the past week. And then prepare and plan for the week ahead. Something as simple as planning your clothes for the coming week can go a long way in making the new week easier. So do things like that. Iron your clothes, finish the assignment you’ve been postponing all week. If you need help with your assignments you can visit to get access to a tutor to teach you any course or topic of your choice.


In conclusion, weekends are not just a time to idle away but an opportunity for personal and academic growth. By resting sufficiently, planning your time effectively, balancing activities, and focusing on your goals, you can transform your weekends into productive and fulfilling experiences. So go ahead, make the most of your weekends, and set the tone for a successful week ahead!


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Title: Navigating Carryovers: Understanding Their Impact on Your CGPA University education is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, and a very common hurdle that students face is the concept of a carryover(referencing a course). A popular question University students ask is “Can a carryover affect my CGPA?” In this blog post, we'll not only answer the question but also explore how carryovers can affect a student's CGPA and provide insights into how a Carryover can be managed effectively. The simple answer is… YES!!! It can and will affect your CGPA CGPA is a calculation of the average grade point obtained in all courses offered by a student in a higher institution. The full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point Average. For schools and colleges, CGPA is used to measure the overall academic achievement of a student by awarding A, B, C, D or F grades. A carryover is a situation where a student did not meet the required scores/grades to pass a course and has to take that course again the following year. Carryovers are quite common for a lot of university students and even though failing a course does not necessarily mean you are a failure, it does have its adverse effects. How A Carryover Affects Your CGPA Most universities have a similar academic rating. That is the point allocated to each grade a student scores in a course. It looks like this. ACADEMIC RATING(A-F) A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 and F=0. The score that you get in a course depends on what grade you have. So if you score an A in a Chm 203, a 3 unit course, your point will be 5×3= 15 points If it's B, then 4×3= 12 points, if it's C,then 3×3= 9 points, if D, then 2×3= 6 points if it's E, then 1×3= 3 points And if you score an F, it is 3×0=0. Which means that nothing is recorded for that student for that particular course and the student will have to carry over the course to the next year in the hopes of passing it the best year. And passing a Carryover course is not a very simple task. Not only do you have to attend lectures, prepare for tests and exams for the courses in your current level and also have to do that for the carryover course. The possibility of the timetable for your current courses and the carryover course clashing is very high. Even the timetable for exams can also clash!!! It happens a lot in Nigerian Universities. But here's the most interesting part, if you read really hard and pass the carryover course the next year and even score an A, your CGPA will still be affected. Here's why With higher institutions, the policy for calculating a CGPA for a carryover course is an average of the old and new grades. This just means that your new grade will be divided into two because you wrote it two times. That is: If you score and A in a 3 unit carryover course, you didn't really have an A. Because it will be divided into 2. As in A(5÷2) = 2.5=D Which mean the actual grade you got for that course is a D. And if you multiply that by 3(the unit of the course) that is 2.5×3= 7.5 If You scored a B, then 4/2=2. Which is D If C, then 3/2=1.5 approx.2.Which is D If D, then 2/2=1 your final result is E If E, then 1/2=0.5 approx.I which is E. And if you failed the course again and have to retake it for the 3rd time, whatever you score will be divided into 3. Yikes. So needless to say, a carryover will affect your CGPA negatively. But with every academic problem there is a solution. How to manage a Carryover Having a Carryover is not the end of the world. There are things you can do to manage it effectively to make sure you only write again once. All of the steps you can take to manage a carryover are contained in this free PDF. In conclusion, while carryovers might create a temporary dip in a student's CGPA, they do not reflect the entirety of a student's educational journey. With determination, resilience, and the right support, students can not only overcome carryovers but also emerge stronger, more confident, and better prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. I hope you find this blog post helpful! If you have any other questions about carryovers or universities in general, leave your question as a comment below. Goodluck!

Navigating Carryovers: Understanding Their Impact on Your CGPA

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